Why should you start a Business



Let us be honest. Most of us cannot stop being jealous of the life of wealthy business owners.

Just imagine the life they live. They do not have to worry about EMIs, they do not have to go

work every day to survive. They can go on foreign tours anytime they want. They never have

to look for a price in the restaurant menu card. They do not depend on the corporation water.

They make their own rules.

But let‘s not just envy them, let‘s appreciate a fact that someone in their family took a bold

step of starting a business or risked buying lands when nobody thought that land price would

skyrocket making many of those middle-class people rich.

So when we know that starting a business generates wealth for us, why does not all of us start

a business and become rich.

Well, it is never an easy job to start a business. Particularly in Indian society where most of

us embrace the routine jobs that get us a regular monthly income, starting a business was not

only seen as a risky decision but broadly discouraged. A couple of my friends who are from a

well off business family and continuing their family business had to leave their business for a

few months and join some other companies for a bottom level executive job. It was a terrible

idea, why would someone leave their existing profit-making business and join somewhere

else as a starting level employee. Well, if you think of it in other terms, it might actually be a

good idea. They had to do that because nobody was willing to marry their daughters to these

business people. Parents in our society not only force their children to get a government job

or high paying private job but as well, wants their son-in-law to be employed with a good

monthly salary in a company known for job security. Leave alone parents, even finance banks

do not issue loans for business people. Our society is formed in a way that rather than trusting

the talent, we trust the nametag better. Even those young people who desire to start a

business, most do not make it.

Two things that stop people from starting their own business are fear and laziness. Among

different types of fear, fear of failure is the biggest one that holds people from starting their


One worries of consequences if failed in business. In a society where many of us closely

monitor what other people are doing, we fear getting attached to the failure tag. You fail just

once and people see you as a failure in everything you do. A good example is that in the

Indian film industry when an actress‘s movie does not perform well commercially, she is

considered as unlucky and does not get another chance to perform.

Fortunately, unlike the film industry, where a female actor getting a second chance is in the

hands of cinema producers, in business, it is totally up to one‘s individual decision. Nobody

has the power to stop you from starting your own business. Let them say whatever they want,

but let‘s accept the fact, those people are not the ones who are going to feed you when

needed. If you research some of the most successful business people, most of them were

discouraged and even ridiculed on creating their own path, but it is their perseverance and

conviction they had on the business that had made them what they are today.

I have not failed. I‘ve just found 10,000 ways that won‘t work. — Thomas Edison

On the other perspective, we cannot wipe out all these fears as unnecessary ones.

Traditionally, starting a business is expensive and complicated. Most common business

models require one to have a good finance backup and multiple skills including the core skills

of the business, employee management, accounting knowledge, taxations and legal

procedures, negotiation skill, etc., it is definitely not for everyone.

To give you an idea, let‘s analyze the grocery business model which I believe is a very

important business type as it is an essential niche, it is competitive, it has decaying products,

it requires huge manpower and it is price sensitive. While running a grocery store may appeal

simple and attractive from the outside, it is an operation-heavy business model. You need

money to pay advance and rent a store, you should have negotiation skills to bargain

inventory from the wholesale vendor, you should know how to get the work done from

difficult employees, you should know how to dispose or make profits from the products that

decay quickly and you should know how to set a price to your products. You set high profit,

you lose customers. You set a low price, you lose profits. Not just grocery business, most

businesses require you to have all these skills or even more. This is why most people fear or

advise to not start a business.

It all boils down to one‘s self-confidence whether to start a business or to be safe working for

a monthly salary.

Anyone starting a business must be appreciated. Think of the positive aspects business brings

to society. Those who create a successful business create a lot of positive outcomes like,

creation of jobs, wealth generation, contributing to the economic development of a nation,

and uplifting the confidence of the society. These are some of the reasons why successful

business owners are proud of and have personal satisfaction.

But can‘t everyone just start a business without having all these traits? can‘t I just focus on

one skill and run a profitable business?

Yes, you definitely can. That‘s what makes Dropshipping business a unique model for

common people with less investment and resources to start with.

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